I really enjoyed exploring my creative capacities with this project. It took me a while to get up and running with ideas, but once I got started and played around with the software; I got into a rhythm. I ended up being fairly happy with the final result, given the time and expectations. I wanted to use my Wacom pad to animate my own drawings, but it did not arrive in time. If I could have changed one thing it would be that. I did not prefer using images and backgrounds from the internet because I did not feel like it was my own personal style, but I got my narrative across. I also wish my videos flowed better into the animation, I felt like there was a bit too much “reality” footage with not enough happening within that part of the video. My favorite scene that I created was probably the second to last animation. I enjoyed making different layered mattes within the space to give it more dimension. Those were also, by far, my favorite characters that I incorporated. I resonate a lot with “Adventure Time” characters because of how bizarre they are, so it was fun to create my own identity for them through my sound effects. I have always loved stock mushroom forest backgrounds, and I think it really added to the atmosphere of that scene. I also had a lot of fun adding the recurrence to the banana man character at the end to keep it interesting. Overall, I would do this style project again, just with more personalized choices.