For the Audition audio project, I plan to mash together a bunch of the weirdest sounds to create a humorous soundscape with a beat. I want to advance my skills in altering audio to sound as strange as possible. I plan to arrange all of my clips into a sequence that has a beat or pattern to it. I want it to sound groovy enough to keep my audience engaged but not too messy to the point that it feels like too much is going on. My initial idea was to utilize the lighter flicking building up to the bong rip sound, to serve as a beat drop if you will. I also noticed one of our classmates included a coughing sound, so I think that could add a valuable humor aspect to my audio. I am slightly nervous about making it as long as four minutes and thirty-three seconds, because I want to keep a rhythm going and not lose my pattern but I am excited to see how I overcome this challenge. I really liked the ability to alter/add filter to a specific clip because it will help me make each sound as unique as possible. I plan for my audio to tell a story that makes my listeners experience a range of emotions, confused, happy, laughter, etc. I also brainstormed some ideas to make certain sounds resemble a parody of familiar noises one hears in their day to day or on social media. I can’t wait to begin.